Thursday, July 30, 2009


Went out last night and tried to put in some work for some photos, however I was the only thing getting worked. This is the only two pictures from the night!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


So, its been a while since we did anything on this thing, so i decide to throw up some pic of a little bbq that lynn threw, over the weekend. it was grand old time.
i just picked up camera, nothing fancy but takes some decent pics, so dont hate too much! anyways want to thank lynn and angie for the grub and beers!! and all that showed up that killed it!

the ramp is felling real nice and i think every one had a blast. we had the bissel in the house doing his thing, you know he it gets down

here are a few more of the crew at work.

lokes was in the house as well. keeping it chill.
but micheal wasn't holding back with the stab
holding it down for high five!

lynn brought the old skate board and show us
little demo.

well that it, whatever. hope the three viewers dug it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

i want these spots!!

saw this on the in the gnar, so good.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009


Hiked down all around and then back out, rode some bikes today pretty fun!! Look for many pictures to be up soon and a little write up about the trip! Come back home tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I found this roll of unused film at the U of A, so i decided to try it out! Turned out kind of cool, here some of the ones I really liked, more pictures to come soon!