Saturday, October 31, 2009

NY East river getting some moves before a night of waste that is halloween, may or may not be wasted pics for tomarrow
For Lynn! Kill em All, Ride The Lightning, Master of Puppets!

Friday, October 30, 2009

hey there cell phone post

random life stuff.

break dancers hahaha
clown guy
my pbr tall cans a a really good concert
drunk pole dancing on the j
dude guy at a show rolling a cig
black folks are crazy

The weekend comes once a week.

Ok here is the run down for the weekend.

There will be some of this going down to prepare for the upcoming Ham Jam. Even though everybody by now hates the High-5, we are still going to come through with something.

Along with some BTB action, Jack and I hope to put a video together, again nothing special like last weekend. Trying to have fun. Let us know if you want to get in some artsy shit.

The last thing I wanted to say is, I have decided to do a contest for banner of the week. I do not think anyone will actually even read this but if they do this is how it will work. If you send me a picture I will review it and then if I determine it to be the best(or I do not receive any others) I will make it the banner for the high-5 site. The pictures do not have to be riding or even have anything to do with riding. So there it is, no prize other than the fact that you get your picture on the top of the lamest blog in town!

Have you ever had a pink sock?

a talk with isabella from David Grant on Vimeo.

I usually do not take things from other sites, I leave it up to everyone else for that. This however should be everywhere. This is the dirtiest lady I have ever heard of, I could not stop laughing.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

One hour with the 5

Untitled from michael ramirez on Vimeo.

Here it is, the new camera, new shots. One hour with the high five! Let me have the hate!!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

hi5 is around.

look for a new edit droping soon!

Ron scootin' blast off!!

Friday, October 23, 2009


This weekend is going to be big!!! REAL BIG, look for good things to be coming, Give the High Five a call if you want to be included.

It will almost be as good as this, man I wish I had this right now.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mike on tool overpass
Newark new jersey skatepark 
I rode this kids next with coaster breaks and one pedal, i think i bent the cranks, and the handle bars moved like crazy but the kids loved it, and i got my freecoaster on

Thursday, October 15, 2009



Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I could not help myself with this one. With nothing to do in school I was browsing the best BMX, well wait. Is Defgrip even a BMX blog? I don't think it is considering they always have some of the coolest things to check out outside of bikes. GO Defgrip for not being lame.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Funday!


jack here, it another sunday and you know how we do it. me and john
meet up and did a little eastside mission. started at the famous jessey
wash. riding the front section till john got a flat so we make our way to
Broadway bikes, where not only did we fix the flat but we got reminded
that Miracle was putting on a little box jump show at the race track.
so we decided to ride some more and roll over to the race track. ended
up at the orange banks off irvington. we ride for a bit, got some snaps.
we were pretty much done as this older lady walking her dog comes up
to us a says "you know that private property?" we both are dumbfounded
she goes on to say that they can call the police and they will take our bikes.
so we just tell her thank you and we will be on our way ans we where.
on to the race track, where we dont see mircale or a box jump. so we ask
one of the brother sna tells us he got called into work. so no box jump.
I said hey where not too far from jack washes and that all that needed to
be said and we are on our way. good session there. so that aboutr it. couple
couple snaps and all fun.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

lawn darts look amazing!!

lawn darts from tom dugan on Vimeo.

ok ok this funny but check out his other video on his vimeo site

Friday, October 2, 2009

I got some more!!

You know how we do it!

Got some new pics!!

Jack doing what he does best!


Lokes at his best!