Ok here is the run down for the weekend.
There will be some of this going down to prepare for the upcoming Ham Jam. Even though everybody by now hates the High-5, we are still going to come through with something.
Along with some BTB action, Jack and I hope to put a video together, again nothing special like last weekend. Trying to have fun. Let us know if you want to get in some artsy shit.
The last thing I wanted to say is, I have decided to do a contest for banner of the week. I do not think anyone will actually even read this but if they do this is how it will work. If you send me a picture I will review it and then if I determine it to be the best(or I do not receive any others) I will make it the banner for the high-5 site. The pictures do not have to be riding or even have anything to do with riding. So there it is, no prize other than the fact that you get your picture on the top of the lamest blog in town!