Thursday, December 24, 2009

Art School

SallyAndFrank from Frank carino on Vimeo.

Here is a video that Frank had to make for one of his assignments. I have to say Frank is better at making things happen with pictures than film, but the end of this video is so rad.
On a second note Christmas is tomorrow, and you know that means, YMCA ride! Call us up if you want to get your shralp on! Also the Hi-5 is out of state right now, Jack is in Vegas getting his skate park shred on probably as we type! From the Hi-5 Merry Christmas! Post are coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. What the fuck? Is this what you do when you going to a $50k a year school? I'm stressed out bro, think I need a cig!! Get the fuck out of here with this shit!!
