Q: Why did your parents name you Jacks washes?
A: Umm well my grand-father is named jack, and the washes part came a bit later cause I shralp the ditches because I used to live by some of the funnest in town.
Q: What if everyone started calling you lil' J?
A: Lil' j not sure I would care but I do prefer Jackal.

Q: What is it in your diet that allows you to ride slow but blast tranny higher than anyone?
A: Chili dogs! Haha nah I don't know.
Q: What is your favorite thing about riding bmx?
A: Just the freedom you have on your bike, you know you jump on your bike and you don't have to follow any rules. Just PEDALING around and having fun!
Michael: Man I thought everyone loved the butthole.

Q: Anyone that knows you knows you are down with a good groove toon, so the question is who are some of your favorite groovers.
A: I'm not quite sure what a groovey toon is! I mean ill get down with some mgmt, mia, stuff like that maybe a little Paula Abdul! But I'm a punk at heart.
Q: Now i have a Webster, but what is your personal definition of 'Skeet' ?
A: Haha shit...........well I want to believe its............man I don't know its one of those words that really has no meaning but is used for anything kinda, ya know?

Q: I know from being one of your good buddies that Aron Ross is one of your favorite riders. What are some of your other favorite shredders?
A: Haha fat boy style! Well if the new tat doesn't tell you, pretty much everyone on t1 and taj. Eddie, chase deheart, chase hawk, bf, dak, I really like anyone with a creative style or just smooth as shit. I rather see a clean bar than a hucked tail whip any day.
Michael: He forgot the best rider ever.
Q: You recently went to Austin, how was it? Would you want to go back soon? Where else would you like to travel to?
A: Oh man Austin was really fun. Wish we had more time and a lot less rain! I would love to go back! I would really like to go to the East coast. NYC, Boston, Philly. Canada would be good too! So many good parks!

Q: Can you please try and explain to people how you do tire slides so well, is it loose legs? You on the Lynn workout plan, what is it?
A: I don't know, just been doing them for ever. Its my favorite thing to do. Just gotta learn to have fun.
Q: Word on the street is your running peggers, what do you plan to do with those bad boys? El Toro?
A: Haha just took them off yesterday! Those things are dangerous! Haha, But I really just wanted to ice pick something.

Q: You are no dirty, but i have seen you sip on some brew-skies, what are your top five favorites?
A: Yeah I'm always down for a brew. Lonestar number one the pbr, high life, ummm and purple haze.
Q: As I am not up on my bmx history, i know however you are like an archive of vhs's, What are some of your favorite shred tapes?
A: Shutter speed, base Brooklyn, all little devils, the t1 video was good too, animals always get me going. The s&m videos. There's more just can't think of them, oh wait the krimzen vhs ones! Still waiting to see those, Andy!

Q: If you could change something about the Tucson scene, what would it be and why ?
A: Well the scene is good here, we kinda need to come together and wake up the city of Tucson to get a fucking park. Or maybe do it our selves.
Michael: I like the lets do it our selves idea, anyone know of a good underpass in town?
Q: How long do you plan on pedaling the 20 inch?
A: As long as I can. Its what keeps me sane and happy

Q: Any last words, comments, shout outs, ANYTHING?
A: Well thanks to Micheal for the interview. Frankie for the pics. The whole high five crew for making riding fun. Tucson and the forecloser rate for all the pools! Andy for the tire, when I see it! And everyone else that shreds and has fun doing it!
