Monday, September 28, 2009

no tank top sunday!

Another sunday down and it was a blast! it wasnt quite the sunday funday as usally, without the coach but we made the best of it. shutting down spot like only the highfive can!

First spot was a little wall ride spot. super fun and alittle jiber!!

next spot is well know, but mikes never ridden it. actually first curvy!! got it pretty good
i got a pich flat. so it was on too my house for a quick tube change and alittle 2x4! so good.

on to the next spot, not so well know curvy. mike couldn't get enough. then we head down town to meet up with gerome(sp). this is what we came up with.

sweet jersey gap.

joose ain't got shit on four loko!!

matt doing his street thing with this big gap!!

mike doing it for the coach

gerome getting it!!

well pretty tired and really full from a session at rincon market, we went over to rockies!!
after a little rest got our second wind and shredded it!!

rocky nac-nac.

rocky big-o xup!

rocky killin it with a t-bog

who'd a thunk it? mike can ride trials! and good too, shows it
with this x-up.

matt like dirt jumps this much!!

jack. style?


jack. turndown.

finsh all this with some bbq and you have one hell of a day!! big thanks for Rocky and matt and all the groms that work on the jumps! and to mike for taking some sweet pics!


  1. Jack, you gotta turn them bars more, ha ha! Don't be trying that half ass oldman tables!! Looks like you guys were shredding. Mat can do tucks? Watch your ass Frank, ha ha. Where the hell was Lokes?

  2. My bike is in the process of being painted, so no riding for me.

  3. better tell the paint shop to put a rush on it!!

  4. yeah i needed the coach to get me going! and the "cuda" is in the prep stages!
