Mike: What do you think about those Hi-5 guys? Shook or not shook?
John: Not shook. The whole shook and grom phrases have been taken way to far. They love riding just as much if not more than anyone. They get hated on for having fun.
Mike: What's this shit about you having a Hemi? True or False?
John: True, my bike got a new paint job courtesy of the Jackal to match a 1970 AAR CUDA. Shes fast as hell and a bit heavy, but she's a beauty. Like queen said, fat bottom girls make the rockin world go round.
Mike: Is it true you like boys or do you just like grabbing there dicks?
John: False to both. I just like to make people uncomfortable, whether telling filthy stories, showing BME videos or rubbin up against em like a cool breeze.

Mike: What is your opinion on Tucson as a whole?
John: Too hot, too much hate. I wish there could be a complete scene. But we got pre madonnas that refuse to ride with certain people which just takes away from the fun. Everyone is too hung up on new spots and filming the next greatest video part. It never used to be like that. We used to be able to ride a parking lot for hours and have the time of our lives, not so much anymore. For riding Tucson ins't the best but if your looking to retire and play golf everyday, your set.
Mike:Who has the biggest influence on the Tucson scene in your opinion?

John: I don't think anybody has an influence on the scene. But Bissell is the undisputed mayor of BMX in this town. Without him and dudes like Ross Cole BMX would not be nearly as big as it is today. Bissell has killed it for so long, whether it's a janky ditch, pool, or getting NAG 1. He just loves to ride. I also think a lot can be said about what Mikey has accomplished through clicked, by organizing city hall meetings to jams and getting everyone together to have fun on their bikes.
Mike: In two words explain everyone in the Hi-5.
John: Extremely supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus!
Mike: I meant separate.
John: Oh, I like mine better so fuck you and go with it.
Mike: Ok?
Mike: Rumor has it you and Jack are getting a house together, what are you going to name it?
John: The pimp palace fuck farm? I dunno. We're accepting names.
Mike: What is up with your new tattoo?
John: Haha, that is definitely mine. But I also agree with Lynn, it's so wrong but also funny, kinda like your hair.
Mike: Whats wrong with my hair?
John: Lol, calm down.
Mike: Ok most interviews end with thanks, that shit sucks. End it how you will Mr. Nasty Pants.
John: Wack, come up with something or your fired.
Mike: What do you mean?
John: I got nothing. I'll think it over and get back to you.
Michael, it's grabbing "their" dicks, not "there" dicks. Please use the proper nomenclature when speaking about a man's penis. PS. this interview rules.
ReplyDeleteYou dirty girl! Tell the truth about your new tattoo.
ReplyDeleteMike I will cut you're penis off. How is that for somenclature. Glad you like it.
ReplyDeleteIt's "your" penis off. Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteI know what yur it is. Shit, I will tickle fight you.